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platte valley arts council

Scholarship application

The Platte Valley Arts Council Scholarships are awarded each year to a graduating senior from either the Saratoga High School or the Encampment High School.  Requirements include enrollment in a higher education institute, an average GPA, examples of their art form, and letters of recommendation.  One does not need to major in an art field, or attend a four-year college.  

how to apply

In 1999, the program began with a $500 scholarship, and we have had a difficult choice each year since.  The proceeds of our Adult Coloring Book sales go directly into the scholarship fund.  We are now able to include an additional $250 scholarship and the Gabe Springsteen Memorial Scholarship of $500.  Gabe was the arts council’s first recipient of the scholarship.

  • Gabe Springsteen Memorial Scholarship Award - $500
  • Platte Valley Arts Council Award - $500
  • Platte Valley Arts Council Award - $250


The recipients, determined by commitee, will be worthy graduates from Saratoga High School and/or Encampment High School who:

  • Display an active involvement in an area of Fine Arts
  • Demonstrates the likelyhood of future involvement in the Arts
  • Plans to pursue a post-secondary education
  • Maintains a GPA of no lower than 2.5

Application Requirements

  1. A cover letter outlining future plans. Please include the role arts will play in your life.
  2. A letter of recommendation from a teacher or sponsor in the student's area of art interest.
  3. A letter of recommendation from an employer, mentor, or other person of the student's choice.
  4. High School transcript
  5. Resume of activities, awards and interests
  6. Example(s) of your art forms as follows:
  • If you are a performing artist or musician, please submit a video or audio file on a flash drive.
  • If you are a visual artist, please submit up to five examples of artwork completed during the time you have been in high school, on a flash drive. You may submit more than one art form.
  • TIPS: Photograph your work(s) carefully. Photographs of visual art must be submitted in .jpg format, RGB color mode and 300 dpi. Digital images of work should not exceed 7" (504 pixels) on the longest side and should be saved at the highest quality setting.
  • NAMING: When naming your files, use your first initial, last name and a number from 01 to 05. For example, if your name is John Doe, your files would be named JDoe01.jpg, JDoe02.jpg, JDoe03.jpg, etc.

Award Requirements

  • Award is a starter scholarship for freshmen year only and is non-renewable.
  • Award is payable directly to the student to use as the need.
  • Proof of registration in college, junior college, university or trade school (in or out of state) is required.

Application Deadline

Applications must be postmarked no later than April 24th and mailed to:

Platte Valley Arts Council, Inc.
Attn: Scholarship Committee
P. O. Box 127
Saratoga, WY 82331.

Scholarships are awarded in May, prior to or during the graduation ceremony.


Please direct any questions about our scholarship program to: